tDCS helps restore brain activity
Depression is associated with lowered brain activity, which leads to decreased cognitive control ultimately contributing to dysfunctional emotional processing. tDCS helps restore brain activity.
Results comparable to drug treatment
The effect size of tDCS treatment was comparable with those reported for repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation and antidepressant drug treatment in primary care.
Personalised tDCS gives maximum benefit
Identical stimulation parameters induce different physiological, behavioral, and therapeutic effects across individuals. Personalisation maximizes tDCS therapeutic response in individual patients.
Superior combined therapy
The clinical superiority of a combined therapeutic approach of tDCS and Cognitive Control Therapy is evident.
Neuro-Biological effects of Depression
Depression corresponds to reduced activity in your left-DLPFC(Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex) and an increased activity in your right-DLPFC.
From, Nature Reviews Neuroscience (Journal Impact factor 33), Neural mechanisms of the cognitive model of depression
From Biological Psychiatry (Journal Impact factor 12), Imbalance between left and right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in major depression is linked to negative emotional judgment: an fMRI study in severe major depressive disorder
The MDD patients showed hypoactivity in the left DLPFC during both unattended and attended emotional judgment and hyperactivity in the right DLPFC during attended emotional judgment. In contrast to healthy subjects, left DLPFC activity during emotional judgment was not parametrically modulated by negative emotional valence and was inversely modulated by positive emotional valence in MDD patients. Hyperactivity in the right DLPFC correlated with depression severity.
Altered function bilaterally in the DLPFC has been associated with decreased cognitive control, thereby facilitating heightened amygdala reactivity and ultimately contributing to dysfunctional emotional processing